Thursday, October 2, 2008

God Works in Mysterious Ways...even on vacation!

I suppose the last thing my husband and I expected to do on our vacation was pray in front of an abortion clinic...but God is funny that way.

This past weekend we planned a short get-away to the wine country with our 5-month-old daughter...her first vacation. We were looking forward to peace, quiet and relaxation. Most of all, a little break from the every-day worries and concerns.

As we approached the address of the cottage we had rented, we noticed that there was a group of pro-lifers gathered on the sidewalk. Once we got closer, we noticed they were standing in front of Planned Parenthood--then, we noticed something that horrified us: the clinic was literally two-doors down from our rental cottage! For a few hours we were a little sick to our stomach to be staying so close to such a place, but after talking about it we realized that, as with all things, God had a plan. This could be no accident.

Friday night we decided to join the pro-lifers outside the clinic for a short time. Praying with them was such a beautiful and unexpected experience. Our voices united in peaceful worship as passers-by screamed profanities at us. It was such a stark contrast that pointed out to me the extreme suffering those on the pro-choice side are experiencing. Those who have suffered abortion personally, who have been complicit in the act or who have been close to someone who's had one--all are in need of healing.

It reminded me that we must not be tempted to anger or aggressive argument, but must remember compassion and love. To speak the truth always, but to also care for the sufferings of our dear brothers and sisters.

We learned that those in front of the clinic were taking part in something called "40 Days for Life"--a nation-wide 40 days of constant prayer and fasting for the end of abortion, combined with 24-hour vigils in front of abortion clinics. Click here for more information:

The Napa county pro-life community was gathered in front of that Planned Parenthood around the clock during our entire trip, and they are still there now. We were so inspired by their dedication and service for the rights of the unborn and the care of women in crisis pregnancies, and we were so honored to be a part of it.

We may have thought we planned this trip for ourselves, but it's clear to us now that God was our travel agent.

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