Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting Back On Track

I've been away from the blogosphere for too's time to get back in the saddle!

I'm just recovering from my first holiday season as a mother. I use the word "holiday" not to escape the word "Christmas," but to encompass what I experienced to be a 3-month-long celebration.

It all started on Halloween with my daughter's first costume (she was a ladybug, by the way,) and each day thereafter was a long succession of pumpkin pies, turkeys, parties, presents, cookies, carols, Christmas lights, cards, cooking and cleaning.

Lest I sound like I am complaining, which I am not, I have to admit that this was the most joyous holiday season of my life, despite the fact that it was the most tiring.

Christmas was so joyful this year. I felt truly able to just savor each moment. I am so blessed.

Yet the challenge this year, and every year, was to keep the focus on Jesus. I am so easily distracted and when there are even more things than usual on my to-do list, I am that much more blinded to His presence in my daily life.

Still, I feel I received many spiritual "gifts" this Christmas, whether I was paying attention perfectly or not. He is a generous God, no matter my failings.

The message He gave to me? To simply work on being more "mindful" of His presence in the every-day things and people I encounter. I feel Jesus is saying to me, "If you just do this, I will take care of the rest."

This is where I want to seek my peace this year. Of course, one day at a time.

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