Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary: a day when we Catholics celebrate our belief that, from the moment of her conception, God created the Blessed Virgin Mary free from all stain of original sin.
This day is, of course, significant in and of itself. But for me, what makes this day particularly significant is that I am keenly aware of it.
You see, until recently, I have felt little to no connection to Mary whatsoever, and have reached out to her only in times of desperation. But since becoming a mother, my relationship with Our Heavenly Mother has begun to blossom. In my new state of life, she has finally become real, tangible, understandable--a role model. I now reach out to her for strength, guidance, and protection, not only for myself but for my daughter and our family. And she has not left me wanting.
I may have forgotten Mary all these years, but she has not forgotten me. And I understand why--she is a mother, MY mother, and a mother never forgets her own child. I have wandered far away from her, but she has always awaited my return with open arms.
Now I find great consolation, for the first time, in her loving arms. The rosary gives me strength, comfort, and guidance when I am frustrated, tired, or troubled. A simple, "Mary, what should I do?", provides me with almost instant peace and direction. And when I remember to start my day by giving myself to the care of her Immaculate Heart, she never fails to keep me close to Jesus throughout the day. Ultimately, I have found that the more I reach out to Mary, the closer she binds me to her son.
On this great feast day, I am grateful for my Heavenly Mother, and for her incredible patience and love towards me.
From one mother to another, Mary, thank you.
Beautiful post, Leilani! Isn't it amazing how Mary just slides into our lives quietly, sometimes without our knowing it? I'm so glad she is such a comforting part of your life.
What you wrote is so true. Thank you Leilani for your beautiful thoughts. Merry Christmas!! (We are missing you guys!)
This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks God she's never forgotten us!
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